
Allmarketsgh is a trademark name that represents all markets in all regions in Ghana coming under one roof to trade online.

This is achieved by providing prospective buyers a one stop shop to conveniently buy groceries and other needs for the home as they would when they visit their local markets.

Category of products to shop from include:

  1. Vegetables
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Proteins
  4. Fruits
  5. Provisions
  6. Soups and Stews
  7. Mother & child care

and Others…

We offer flexible payment methods such as:

  1. MTN momo
  2. AirtelTigo 
  3. Vodafone cash 
  4. Sendwave if you are customer from US, UK etc

And we offer reliable delivery options.

Registration as a seller and buyer is completely free.

Prices of products are at local market prices.

Vendors and sellers range from:

  1. Individuals who deliver groceries to homes and corporate organisations.
  2. Farmers.
  3. Market Women
  4. Supermarkets 
  5. Groceries stores

Among others…

Information on how to register to buy and sell can be found here.

For more information kindly read from our FAQs or call us on +233 244994020 or +233 506595183 or send us a mail at info@allmarketsgh.com.