How E-Levy affects your shopping on allmarketsgh

Allmarketsgh is a trademark name that represents all markets in all regions in Ghana coming under one roof to trade online. 

This is achieved by providing prospective buyers a one stop shop to conveniently buy groceries and other needs for the home as they would when they visit their local markets.

Category of products to shop from include:

  1. Vegetables
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Proteins
  4. Fruits
  5. Provisions
  6. Soups and Stews
  7. Mother & child care

and Others…


According to GRA, e-levy charges on mobile money payments to merchants are exempted until GRA compiles list of tax registered businesses. Hence payments made to allmarketsgh’s merchant number 050 6595183 will not attract e-levy from now till GRA starts charging.

Allmarketsgh is a young business incorporated in February 2021 and as such we rely on you our cherished customers to shop online for all your household needs so allmarketsgh can meet its tax obligations in its first year of operation and the very near future.

While we count on you our cherished customers to continue to choose allmarketsgh as your preferred one stop shop for all your household needs, we will continue to meet our tax obligations so you can continue to conveniently shop online without being charged e-levy and ultimately give you the best shopping experience. 

If you have any questions kindly send email to or call 0244994020