Register to Sell

To sell on allmarketsGH, register  from here with your details such as name, contact number, email address and business or residential address and choose your password. After successful registration, check your email to verify your email address. 

To add products to sell:

1. Kindly contact our admin through our whatsapp number 0244994020 to confirm your registration and enable you add products to your store.

2. After successful confirmation of your account, login from here

3. From your dashboard. click product.

4. Upload a good photo of your product. The photo must have a white background.

5. Enter other product details like name of product, price and description.

6. Click save. 

7. Follow steps 1 to 4 to add all your products. All products will be pending preview by our admin. When product is previewed by our admin and it satisfies our requirement, it will be published on our website.

8. If you have any challenge kindly send email to, or Whatsapp 0244994020, 0531839245


NB: Kindly note that Terms and Conditions apply to sell.